Z co./inc.

 Hello there, for those of you that don't know me, my name is Zach (Xeno or Jak is prefered). On chat I will be known by Jak Kori or The Gamemaster (GM). I am a very strange person, from a certain perspective. At the age of 11 I was already interested in buisness, and with my imagination and ideas, I could do it easily. I began by opening a line of erasers called Eraser Buddies (TM). It was simply eraisers with different cartoon and animal faces on them. They sold for 10 cents each, I could buy 30 for $1. Descent profit for a 5th grader.I went on to make many comic books (at least 9).

 And my buisness went on with my best friend Levi Denkins until about 6th grade when I figured out my friend Eddie made a paper ninja star and sold it to Teddy, which took it apart and figured out how to make it. In return, he sold it and the person he sold it to threw it across the class at someone else. No more Z co. The group split but Levi, being co-owner, still wanted to run it. I made Supernove Inc. to compete against him, and he gave. So Z co. moved on from just Z co. to Z co. and Supernova Inc. together. ( Z co. + Supernova Inc = Z Co./Inc.) and so Z Co./Inc. was made! Ta Dah!

 RPG Unlimited

    This was made by me, thought of by me, and edited by me and the Z Co./Inc. Board. You can read all about it in the section titled RPG Unlimited Info (http://www.xenoman.synthasite.com/rpg-unlimited-info.php). By about December the 25 or 26 I should have a couple of pictures of the Napaj Map. Feel free to send me comments at my e-mail or on chat. You can contact me at cheese_kitten@live.com

Blue is symbolic for my counter company known as Blue Book Inc. which is made specifically for my comic books and stories.

Together the red and blue lightning is a symbol for both of my companies in unison, yet competative to each other, kinda cool if I do say so myself.

Red is symbolic for Z Co. because the original Z Co. symbol was a Z with a vertical line down it, all in red.

VAVENGI is a very cool name for a band, or so I thought. It actually came to my dad in a dream. He dreampt that he was trying to talk to this girl over and over, but she wouldn't talk to him. Finally at the end of the dream she said "My name is Vavengi". I used this name as my band on guitar hero 3 and 4. Eventually I looked it up online and igured out that it translates to "Enemies"